Laura Yates
Kronos - President - Dovetail Event Partners
I am just home from my international flight and before any time elapses, I want to thank you and your team for the success of the Diamond Club program in Florence and the Legend Makers program in Rome for KRONOS. Feedback has been very positive, both from participants, my client contacts, and the top executives. Comments have included “flawless execution” and “the best program to date.” As you well know, I have been in this business more years than I care to admit. I have worked with DMCs the world-over and rarely have I felt the partnership I find with 4th Dimension. The level of trust, professionalism and experience within your organization is exceptional. 24/7 — including through Christmas and New Years, my emails and calls were answered within hours. Should an emergency or change occur while onsite, I had 24-hour access to someone from your team. But more importantly, behind the exceptional level of service, it is the personalities of your employees that make working with your team a sincere pleasure (and dare I even say … “fun?”) And, in this stressful, crazy, deadline-driven business we are in, that makes all the difference. Please offer my contact information to any potential clients that seek a reference. Thank you for making my team shine!
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